Behavioral Finance: Biases, Emotions and Financial Behavior (2024)

What Is Behavioral Finance?

Behavioral finance, a subfield of behavioral economics, proposes that psychological influences and biases affect the financial behaviors of investors and financial practitioners. Moreover, influences and biases can be the source for the explanation of all types of market anomalies and specifically market anomalies in the stock market, such as severe rises or falls in stock price. As behavioral finance is such an integral part of investing, the Securities and Exchange Commission has staff specifically focused on behavioral finance.

Key Takeaways

  • Behavioral finance is an area of study focused on how psychological influences can affect market outcomes.
  • Behavioral finance can be analyzed to understand different outcomes across a variety of sectors and industries.
  • One of the key aspects of behavioral finance studies is the influence of psychological biases.
  • Some common behavioral financial aspects include loss aversion, consensus bias, and familiarity tendencies.
  • The efficient market theory which states all equities are priced fairly based on all available public information is often debunked for not incorporating irrational emotional behavior.

Understanding Behavioral Finance

Behavioral finance can be analyzed from a variety of perspectives. Stock market returns are one area of finance where psychological behaviors are often assumed to influence market outcomes and returns but there are also many different angles for observation. The purpose of the classification of behavioral finance is to help understand why people make certain financial choices and how those choices can affect markets.

Within behavioral finance, it is assumed that financial participants are not perfectly rational and self-controlled but rather psychologically influential with somewhat normal and self-controlling tendencies. Financial decision-making often relies on the investor's mental and physical health. As an investor's overall health improves or worsens, their mental state often changes. This impacts their decision-making and rationality towards all real-world problems, including those specific to finance.

One of the key aspects of behavioral finance studies is the influence of biases. Biases can occur for a variety of reasons. Biases can usually be classified into one of five key concepts. Understanding and classifying different types of behavioral finance biases can be very important when narrowing in on the study or analysis of industry or sector outcomes and results.

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Behavioral Finance Concepts

Behavioral finance typically encompasses five main concepts:

  • Mental accounting: Mental accounting refers to the propensity for people to allocate money for specific purposes.
  • Herd behavior: Herd behavior states that people tend to mimic the financial behaviors of the majority of the herd.Herding is notorious in thestock marketas the cause behind dramatic rallies and sell-offs.
  • Emotional gap: The emotional gap refers to decision-making based on extreme emotions or emotional strains such as anxiety, anger, fear, or excitement. Oftentimes, emotions are a key reason why people do not make rational choices.
  • Anchoring: Anchoring refers to attaching a spending level to a certain reference. Examples may include spending consistently based on a budget level or rationalizing spending based on different satisfaction utilities.
  • Self-attribution: Self-attribution refers to a tendency to make choices based on overconfidence in one's own knowledge or skill. Self-attribution usually stems from an intrinsic knack in a particular area. Within this category, individuals tend to rank their knowledge higher than others, even when it objectively falls short.

Behavioral finance is exploited through credit card rewards, as consumers are more likely to be willing to spend points, rewards, or miles as opposed to paying for transactions with direct cash.

Some Biases Revealed by Behavioral Finance

Breaking down biases further, many individual biases and tendencies have been identified for behavioral finance analysis. Some of these include:

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation biasis when investors have a bias toward accepting information that confirms their already-held belief in an investment. If information surfaces, investors accept it readily to confirm that they're correct about their investment decision—even if the information is flawed.

Experiential Bias

An experiential bias occurs when investors' memory of recent events makes them biased or leads them to believe that the event is far more likely to occur again. For this reason, it is also known as recency bias or availability bias.

For example, the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009 led many investors to exit the stock market. Many had a dismal view of the markets and likely expected more economic hardship in the coming years. The experience of having gone through such a negative event increased their bias or likelihood that the event could reoccur. In reality, the economy recovered, and the market bounced back in the years to follow.

Loss Aversion

Loss aversion occurs when investors place a greater weighting on the concern for losses than the pleasure from market gains. In other words, they're far more likely to try to assign a higher priority to avoiding losses than making investment gains.

As a result, some investors might want a higher payout to compensate for losses. If the high payout isn't likely, they might try to avoid losses altogether even if the investment's risk is acceptable from a rational standpoint.

Applying loss aversion to investing, the so-called disposition effect occurs when investors sell their winners and hang onto their losers. Investors' thinking is that they want to realize gains quickly. However, when an investment is losing money, they'll hold onto it because they want to get back to even or their initial price. Investors tend to admit they are correct about an investment quickly (when there's a gain).

However, investors are reluctant to admit when they made an investment mistake (when there's a loss). The flaw in disposition bias is that the performance of the investment is often tied to the entry price for the investor. In other words, investors gauge the performance of their investment based on their individual entry price disregarding fundamentals or attributes of the investment that may have changed.

Familiarity Bias

The familiarity bias is when investors tend to invest in what they know, such as domestic companies or locally owned investments. As a result, investors are not diversified across multiple sectors and types of investments, which can reduce risk. Investors tend to go with investments that they have a history or have familiarity with.

Familiarity bias can occur in so many ways. You may resist investing in a specific company because of what industry it is in, where it operates, what products it sells, who oversees the management of the company, who its clientele base is, how it performs its marketing, and how complex its accounting is.

Behavioral Finance in the Stock Market

Theefficient market hypothesis (EMH)says that at any given time in a highlyliquid market, stock prices are efficiently valued to reflect all the available information. However, many studies have documented long-term historical phenomena in securities markets that contradict the efficient market hypothesis and cannot be captured plausibly in models based on perfect investor rationality.

The EMH is generally based on the belief that market participants view stock prices rationally based on all current and future intrinsic and external factors. When studying the stock market, behavioral finance takes the view that markets are not fully efficient. This allows for the observation of how psychological and social factors can influence the buying and selling of stocks.

The understanding and usage of behavioral finance biases can be applied to stock and other trading market movements on a daily basis. Broadly, behavioral finance theories have also been used to provide clearer explanations of substantial market anomalies like bubbles and deep recessions. While not a part of EMH, investors and portfolio managers have avested interestin understanding behavioral finance trends. These trends can be used to help analyze market price levels and fluctuations for speculation as well as decision-making purposes.

What Does Behavioral Finance Tell Us?

Behavioral finance helps us understand how financial decisions around things like investments, payments, risk, and personal debt, are greatly influenced by human emotion, biases, and cognitive limitations of the mind in processing and responding to information.

How Does Behavioral Finance Differ From Mainstream Financial Theory?

Mainstream theory, on the other hand, makes the assumptions in its models that people are rational actors, that they are free from emotion or the effects of culture and social relations, and that people are self-interested utility maximizers. It also assumes, by extension, that markets are efficient and firms are rational profit-maximizing organizations. Behavioral finance counters each of these assumptions.

How Does Knowing About Behavioral Finance Help?

By understanding how and when people deviate from rational expectations, behavioral finance provides a blueprint to help us make better, more rational decisions when it comes to financial matters.

What Is an Example of a Finding in Behavioral Finance?

Investors are found to systematically hold on to losing investments far too long than rational expectations would predict, and they also sell winners too early. This is known as the disposition effect, and is an extension of the concept of loss aversion to the domain of investing. Rather than locking in a paper loss, investors holding lose positions may even double down and take on greater risk in hopes of breaking even.

As a seasoned expert in the field of behavioral finance, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to shed light on this fascinating subfield of behavioral economics. My extensive background encompasses both theoretical understanding and practical application, making me well-versed in the intricate dynamics of how psychological influences and biases shape the financial behaviors of investors and practitioners.

The article you provided delves into various aspects of behavioral finance, highlighting its significance in understanding market outcomes and the behavior of financial participants. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Overview of Behavioral Finance:

    • Behavioral finance is a subfield of behavioral economics, proposing that psychological influences and biases impact financial behaviors.
    • It plays a crucial role in explaining market anomalies, especially in the stock market.
  2. Key Takeaways:

    • Behavioral finance focuses on how psychological influences can affect market outcomes.
    • It can be analyzed across various sectors and industries.
    • The influence of psychological biases is a key aspect of behavioral finance.
  3. Behavioral Finance Concepts:

    • Mental accounting: Allocating money for specific purposes.
    • Herd behavior: Mimicking the financial behaviors of the majority.
    • Emotional gap: Decision-making based on extreme emotions.
    • Anchoring: Attaching spending levels to a reference.
    • Self-attribution: Making choices based on overconfidence in one's knowledge or skill.
  4. Biases Revealed by Behavioral Finance:

    • Confirmation Bias: Accepting information that confirms existing beliefs.
    • Experiential Bias (Recency Bias): Biased beliefs based on recent events.
    • Loss Aversion: Placing a greater weight on avoiding losses than gaining profits.
    • Familiarity Bias: Investing in what is familiar, potentially leading to lack of diversification.
  5. Behavioral Finance in the Stock Market:

    • Challenges the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) by suggesting markets are not fully efficient.
    • Psychological and social factors influence buying and selling of stocks.
    • Used to explain market anomalies like bubbles and recessions.
  6. Differences from Mainstream Financial Theory:

    • Behavioral finance challenges assumptions of rational actors, efficient markets, and rational profit-maximizing organizations.
  7. Role of Behavioral Finance:

    • Helps understand financial decisions influenced by human emotion, biases, and cognitive limitations.
    • Counters assumptions made by mainstream financial theory.
  8. Example of Finding in Behavioral Finance:

    • The disposition effect: Investors tend to hold onto losing investments too long and sell winners too early, influenced by loss aversion.

In conclusion, behavioral finance provides a nuanced understanding of how psychological factors impact financial decisions, challenging traditional financial theories and offering valuable insights for making more rational choices in the realm of finance.

Behavioral Finance: Biases, Emotions and Financial Behavior (2024)


What is emotional bias in behavioral finance? ›

Emotional biases include loss aversion, overconfidence, self-control, status quo, endowment, and regret aversion. Understanding and detecting biases is the first step in overcoming the effect of biases on financial decisions.

What are the 4 behavioral biases? ›

Real traders and investors tend to suffer from overconfidence, regret, attention deficits, and trend chasing—each of which can lead to suboptimal decisions and eat away at returns. Here, we describe these four behavioral biases and provide some practical advice for how to avoid making these mistakes.

What is the role of emotions in behavioral finance? ›

Behavioural finance explores the complex web of human emotions, cognitive biases, and psychological heuristics that might result in illogical decision-making rather than making the simplistic assumption that investors are fully rational actors.

What are the behavioral biases in financial services? ›

Some common behavioral financial aspects include loss aversion, consensus bias, and familiarity tendencies. The efficient market theory which states all equities are priced fairly based on all available public information is often debunked for not incorporating irrational emotional behavior.

What is the difference between bias and emotions? ›

Cognitive bias is a deviation in the process of understanding, processing, and making decisions on an information or fact. While emotional bias is a deviation because it focuses on feelings and spontaneity rather than facts [7].

What is an example of emotional bias? ›

We all make decisions based on emotional biases and personal preferences, such as buying a car based more on the shape, style, and color rather than the engine and safety and other mechanical features.

What are the 10 behavioral biases? ›

Second, we list the top 10 behavioral biases in project management: (1) strategic misrepresentation, (2) optimism bias, (3) uniqueness bias, (4) the planning fallacy, (5) overconfidence bias, (6) hindsight bias, (7) availability bias, (8) the base rate fallacy, (9) anchoring, and (10) escalation of commitment.

What are the 4 cornerstones of behavioral finance? ›

The “4 Rs” of Behavioral Finance
  • R #1: Recognize the Situation. ...
  • R #2: Reflect on Your Values. ...
  • R#3: Reframe Your Viewpoint. ...
  • R#4: Respond Purposefully.
Jul 18, 2022

How do you overcome behavioral finance bias? ›

Investors who have a strategy for avoiding behavioral biases are more likely to earn investment success.
  1. Manage emotions. ...
  2. [See: 9 Psychological Biases That Hurt Investors.]
  3. Seek contrary opinions. ...
  4. Be a "renter" not an owner. ...
  5. Don't chase yesterday's winners. ...
  6. [Read: 5 Signs You're About to Make a Bad Financial Decision.]
Apr 19, 2017

What is an example of an emotional gap in behavioral finance? ›

Emotional Gap: Emotional strains such as anxiety, fear, or excitement that disrupt logical rationally in investment decisions. An example is rapidly selling off position in a stock after a quick drop in stock price.

How do emotions affect financial decisions? ›

Of course, emotions can also cause irrational behavior as well. They can make you hold onto "residual self-images" — views you hold of yourself as you used to be instead of who you are now — and drive faulty financial decisions based on those perceptions.

How emotions can influence your financial decisions? ›

Emotions impact financial decisions often more than logic and reason do. Fear can lead us to play it safe, while greed can cause us to overlook risk. Acknowledging the role emotions play in your choices can help you make smarter financial decisions.

What are the two pillars of behavioral finance? ›

What are the two pillars of behavioral finance? The two pillars are cognitive psychology and limits to arbitrage. Cognitive psychology explains how people's subjective thinking distorts rationality in judgment.

What is the problem with behavioral finance? ›

There is nothing that can be empirically tested to formulate a new theory. As an investor, you cannot really rely on behavioral finance. This is because investments cannot be made based on criticisms. In short behavioral finance, the theory explains everything which is wrong with traditional theories.

Why should a financial advisor need to be aware of behavioural biases? ›

When financial advisors have a deep understanding of behavioral finance, they're better equipped to inquire about and recognize their clients' behaviors, biases, and emotions. With this new knowledge, advisors can better align their advice to clients' values, needs, and preferences.

What is the emotional reasoning bias? ›

Emotional reasoning refers to the use of subjective emotions, rather than objective evidence, to form conclusions about oneself and the world. It is a key interpretative bias in cognitive models of anxiety disorders and appears to be especially evident in individuals with anxiety disorders.

What are the most common behavioral finance biases? ›

Below we outline key cognitive biases to be aware of that can lead to poor investment decisions.
  1. Confirmation bias. ...
  2. Information bias. ...
  3. Loss aversion/endowment effect. ...
  4. Incentive-caused bias. ...
  5. Oversimplification tendency. ...
  6. Hindsight bias. ...
  7. Bandwagon effect (or herd mentality) ...
  8. Restraint bias.

What are emotional biases most likely to do? ›

Emotional bias pushes us to make impulsive decisions and judgments that are not premised upon facts, evidence, logic, or research.

What are the three behavioral biases? ›

To get us started, we have decided to focus on three; Endowment Bias, Loss Aversion Bias, and Anchoring Bias. (UPDATE: we've added three more: Overconfidence, Familiarity, and the Gambler's Fallacy).


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